It happens every year - Christmas decorations arrive in stores before I am ready. I am one of those very rare Christmas STARTS on Christmas and goes for 12 nights kinda folks, but these days, it seems like the holiday decor shows up in October, or September - and I know I will get a comment on this blog from someone saying they saw decor in their store in AUGUST! 🤣 As we ease into the holiday season this October, one piece of advice I relish from my Aquarian husband on how to deal with the holidays is to plan ahead and be prepared. (Aquarius which is traditionally ruled by Saturn is all about structures, plans, and boundaries.)
Now take action! Take a moment to write down your next micro-move, or a series of steps you need to take, or a goal and a checklist to achieve that goal. Whenever you feel yourself straying, you can repeat this Modern Mudra and your mantra, or one similar to it, and get back on track. DID THIS WORK FOR YOU? Let me know in the comments below!
![]() I was reminded of this story today in a reading with a client, and thought I would write about it for my blog. People often ask how I became a professional palm reader. Though I tell part of the story on my website, one of the deeper reasons is due to an experience I had in realizing my own worth. In my mid 20's, I had been dabbling in palmistry for a while, but at the time, I would not have called myself a "palm reader". Palmistry was just a silly thing I did on the side, a parlor trick for people. Many people commented about my readings, but I never took their comments seriously. I was at a point where I was questioning my life direction. I remember watching the 1996 Olympics (Atlanta) on television, and the thought occurred to me that these athletes had made it to the pinnacle of achievement. Those who were skilled and lucky enough to medal, were considered the top athlete in the world. Though it seems a bit ridiculous to make the comparison in hindsight, at the time I wondered if I would ever be "Number One" at anything. I felt stuck in mediocrity. I was a "B" student (OK, sometimes a "C" student), I had a normal job, making an average wage. So, I lamented in my head, "What am I good at? What will I be "Number One" at doing? When can I call myself an expert?" Immediately an answer, seemingly from a higher source, popped into my head, "What about your palmistry?" "My palmistry? I don't know - it's just that dumb thing I do." "How many times must I tell you that what you are doing is amazing, and helps people, before you will believe me?" "Ummm... I don't think You have ever told me this. When have you told me these things? Surely had I heard it from You, I would have known, right?" "Every time you have heard it from other people, that is Me speaking." At this point, I suddenly flushed and got tingles down my spine. Of course - Had I been rejecting the Divine all along, for years? So many times when I would read someones hand, the person would often respond with positive feedback. And repeatedly, I just brushed it aside. Was the Divine really speaking through the people who tell me that I had a positive impact on their lives? I immediately realized that what was being revealed to me was much deeper - I had been squandering my talent. I had been dismissing my Divine gift! That was a big change for me. I started hearing the feedback from people completely differently. I realized that the feedback they offered was not just my client, but also the Divine speaking through them, and telling me that what I was doing was important, and was making a difference in the world. I realized the value in my ability to read hands, and to see the Divine presence within my clients. My work became cherished, special, important. It was no longer "that dumb thing I do." Today I embrace my ability to read hands as a gift. I realize that to be humble in accepting my gift from the Divine, I have to live in it fully, and take it on completely with grace and gratitude. No more false modesty detracting from the true value of my ability. So, I pass along this challenge to YOU: where have you been rejecting the love and admiration of the Divine? When others tell you that your art/cooking/music/writing/skills/talents are amazing/beautiful/transformative - do you honor those words as affirmation from a Divine source? And what would your life look like if you did? ![]()
A Mudra for Balance.
We are in a time of much metaphysical tension (have you noticed?). Astrologically we are starting 2022 with new-thinking Uranus locked in a square with old-guard Saturn, causing struggle between the traditions of yesterday, and the innovations of tomorrow. We also have the looming Pluto Return of the United States on Feb 22nd, which unearths our societal shadows for us to face. February 1st, 2022 is also the Lunar New Year when we enter the Year of the Water Tiger. The Tiger is known as the king of beasts in China and is associated with Yang (masculine, active) energy. It is a symbol of strength, banishing evils, and bravery. Water, on the other hand, is the most yin (feminine, still) element in the Chinese system. Its motion is downward and inward, and its energy is conserving. When we have polarities pulling at each other, and tension in the metaphysical aether, we have a choice. Ego tells us that one of the sides is “right” and another is “wrong.” Picking one of these is akin to putting ourselves in a seat and going for a carnival ride. But there is another place to be in the circus: we can put ourselves in the center, where things are calm, where we can see how things operate, and even have access to the big red STOP button. Put yourself in the calm center of things with the Hakini Mudra for power, balance and integration.
Let me know if this mudra helps you - comment below! This blog post was originally an email sent to my list including an exclusive discount for my Intro to Palmistry class. Don't miss out on the next one, subscribe below! (I write every one I send, I never spam, and you can unsub any time) ❤️ ![]() It is interesting to think about the idea of sharing. When children are asked to share, the intent is to build empathy for others, and to give other kids a turn. But what I think what gets lost is the reciprocal nature of sharing. Sharing includes two ideas: giving and receiving. When we ask kids to share, are we really asking them just to give, or give up? Do we still have a "give up" mentality programmed into us today? As I ponder the concept of sharing, I notice how much I cringe when I think about the word “receiving.” Suddenly the words “selfish” and “greedy” pop up. I have to remind myself: receiving is not just important, receiving is a sacred act, just as it is a sacred act to give. I think we get a lot of messaging from our dominant culture on the importance of giving. And I think we really struggle with being worthy of receiving. I notice this when I am working with clients especially around love and wealth – worthiness of receiving love and worthiness of receiving wealth are primary blocks. These are often the same people who GIVE unconditional love and will give you food, shelter, and their last $100 too. I think many of us operate in this way at least in some small level, I know I am constantly working on it! Let’s reclaim the concept of sharing with a Modern Mudra for Sharing Abundance! It’s simple, and powerful. Start with your hands in a “prayer pose” with the palms and fingers gently pressing together. Hold your thumbs out a bit. Take a breath and think about all the ways you have given of yourself. As you breathe for three cycles, have gratitude for all the ways that giving has taught you and benefited you. Now, shift your hand position into a new form. Open your palms up like a book, keeping the pinky fingers and fingertips touching, spread the thumbs away from each other. This is also known as adhara mudra. This ancient gesture allows you to receive abundance, enhancing your faith and optimism in the universe. Hold this position, and breathe with awareness for 10 cycles, perhaps saying a version of this intention: “I am worthy of receiving love and abundance. I welcome it into my life with joy.” I want to know how it goes with the Mudra for Sharing Abundance! Try this practice for a several days in a row and let’s see if we can work on re-programming some of our brain. I’ll do it with you too! Comment below and let me know - Jim did you try it? Did you adjust the mantra (you can, or course)? How did you feel after trying this practice? Here's to all of us sharing in an ABUNDANT AUTUMN! Love and blessings, James Divine I recently posted some images on my instagram, and thought I would mirror them here on my blog so I can add some resources at the end. Resources:
The Black Image in the White Mind, Media and Race in America by Robert M. Entman and Andrew Rojecki Univ of Chicago Press Light and Dark the Racial Biases that Remain in Photography Black Images Matter How Cameras Helped - and Sometimes Harmed - Black People Negative Racial Stereotypes and Their Effect on Attitudes Toward African-Americans Why White People Don’t Like Black Movies Boston University Center for Antiracist Research What it means to be anti racist ![]() “You saved my marriage!” Years ago I had worked with Jenny, an event planner who booked me for parties and corporate gatherings. At some point, she hired me for a “girls night” of wine and palmistry at her own home. (A great idea, by the way, and fun for everyone!) When it came time for Jenny’s reading, she knew exactly what it was about: her love life. She was becoming more and more annoyed with her husband, and was pondering a divorce. Looking at her palms, it was evident that she was as much at fault in pulling back from the relationship as him, so I advised her, in part, to work on her own attitude (she admitted, while laughing, that she can be “super bitchy”). I encouraged her to push the relationship to its limits, and really lean in with love and engagement. I suggested she be the first person to do the loving thing. If the relationship couldn’t take the pressure, it would break, and she would get her wish. If it did handle the pressure, it would flourish and grow. Months later, when I saw Jenny at an industry event, she ran up to me and said loudly, “OMG, Jim - YOU SAVED MY MARRIAGE!” People stopped and looked (wouldn’t you?) as she raved about how I did this wonderful thing. That’s when I stopped her. I admit, I was a bit embarrassed, and also because what she said was incorrect. I did not save her marriage. SHE saved her marriage. She was willing to be open to being different, and seeing herself and the petty ways she was contributing to the wedge between them. As everyone looked on, I said to her, “NO, Jenny - YOU saved your marriage. I just helped you see how.” The palm reading offered her insight into her own patterns of behavior and thinking. It also offered clarity on the situation, and some direction on how to move forward. In fact, I hear those three words so often from clients after their reading, I use them on my home page. I hope this story illustrates one of the many ways insight, direction, and clarity show up for people. I will be forever grateful for Jenny and her bright exuberance, and her willingness to improve her life in a huge way. <3 Palmistry has a bad rap.
I only need to mention that I am a palmist, and frequently I get a worried look in response and a person saying, "I don't wanna know!" "What don't you want to know?" I often ask. The replies allude to a type of palmistry that predicts cryptic misfortunes and mysterious illnesses. People are worried that a palm reading will tell them of doom in their health, livelihood, and family. My mission in life is to offer a new perspective on the art of palm reading, and to share with the world what I have discovered in looking at people's palms. The hands reveal our highest self, our divine nature, and our soul's path. The problem is not with palmistry; it is with the con artists and "misfortune tellers" who misuse one of the most powerful tools we have to understand our metaphysical and subconscious being. Bringing palmistry into the light means looking at the foundation of the meanings, and the cultural context of when those meanings were created. With this information, we can understand the root, and apply this to our modern society. Take for instance a merged head and heart line (Simian Line): highly warned about from the Victorian era spiritualists as one who lacked self control and thus named the "suicide line." Today we understand that a merged head and heart line indicates an "hard-coded integrity" where their thoughts and feelings tend to be highly aligned. When our world is misaligned, as happens, this can often me more frustrating for these folks than others. Thank goodness we have Simian Line folks in the world! They are, so often, the truth talkers - compelled to point out the inconsistencies and incongruities in our crazy world. This is but one of many examples of the extraordinary gifts we all bring to humanity - those gifts, once ridiculed by traditional palmistry, can now be truly seen as essential strengths we need in the world. Comment below if you've ever had a "misfortune telling." ![]() It was Saturday, June 7th 2008 when friends Anna and Tommy* came for a reading at the house. I was ready for them with the tea brewed and the fragrance of sweet incense emanating from the other room. They had booked their session in advance, wanting to split the reading between the two of them before a fun night out on the town. Tommy was a jolly fellow, quick to smile and we hit it off immediately. His beautiful hands were easy to read, and the words flowed effortlessly off my lips as I traced his lines, and analyzed shape of his hand and fingers. I don't remember the details of his reading (common for me), but I do remember all of us laughing and being delighted at the accurate details that were coming through. After about 30 minutes, his reading was over, and it was time for Anna. She was very excited, as was I, looking forward to a fun and illuminating experience just like the one her good friend Tommy just experienced. As I took her hands, however, I felt something I had never experienced before. There, above her right shoulder stood a figure in white, who seemed female, and maternal. She was very powerful, and looking right into my soul. I blinked, and thought to myself, "Oh Jim, you are really obnoxious. Seriously??? A figure in white??? What a cliche! If you are going to make something up, try to do so with some creativity! Now stop this nonsense and concentrate on the reading!" Despite my disbelief, and my attempts to ignore this specter, the woman in white remained. As much as I doubted what I was 'seeing' and as much as I feared sharing this with my client, the figure stood there. The thoughts ran through my mind, "You can't tell her this, you're a palm reader, not some kind of psychic medium! What if you're wrong about it? You could really freak Anna out, or even damage her!" That's when the figure in white started tapping on my forehead, which made focusing on reading the palm even more difficult. Unlike the first reading, and most of my readings, the words did not flow from at all. I was stammering, clearing my throat, and saying "umm" a lot while trying to describe the Anna's lines and hand shape. I took both a deep breath and a huge leap of faith and said, "Okay - look, I am sorry - this has never happened to me before, but... there is a figure in white standing behind your right shoulder. This feels like a maternal figure, but could be a mom, aunt, or grandma, and she is sending me some really strong emotional messages, and with urgency. First, she is full of deep and painful regret towards you - she is saying, 'I am so sorry.' Second, she loves you like crazy - her love is overwhelming and strong. Finally, she is definitely a mamma bear - protective of you, and watching over you with great power." I sighed, both relieved that I had finally gotten this out into the open, but also worried about the response I might get from my clients. I looked up at Anna's face. She was wide eyed and had pulled her hands back from me. We stared at each other for a moment, then she blurted out, "I don't have a mom. I mean, I was raised by foster parents." I had a sinking feeling in my gut, and I started to wonder if I had just made a huge mistake. "You don't have to pay for the reading!" I quickly offered, but Anna insisted on paying, and they quickly left. I didn't expect to ever hear from them again, and was, over the following days, very worried about the reading, and how Anna was doing. Three days later, I received an email from Anna telling me how significant the reading was, and that her and Tommy had been talking about it non-stop. She explained that her mother didn't "pass away" - she had made some wrong turns in life and ended up becoming a victim of the Green River Killer. Anna said that her mom never had a chance to change, and is sure that the person she was when she died was not the person she would have wanted to be remembered as. Having a chance to hear from her mom was deeply meaningful to her, adding "...the best money I have ever spent." -------------- There have been many times in my life when I have had a lack of faith. Following the fearful path has often led me to more suffering than was warranted. In this instance, I had a choice, and had to make that choice in full confrontation of my fear of being wrong. My faith was also tested, for three days anyway, that I had made the right choice in telling my client what I was seeing. My client also had a choice - to listen to the palm reader and allow herself to re-connect with the idea of her mother, now enlightened, whole, and complete -- or to discount the entire experience. I believe that Anna found some sort of healing from the visitation of her mom, and I am so grateful that Anna chose to have faith as well. What do we do when our knowledge, our talents, our identity is pushed beyond their limits? I invite you to consider listening to that inner voice of the Divine, have faith, and make that choice. In Love and Light, Jim Barker * This story is a true experience, but the names and specific identifying details have been changed to protect privacy. |
James Divine,Palm Reader in the Seattle area, writes about inspiring experiences, insights, and life as a professional chiromancer. Archives
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