The Ultimate Palm Reading Guide
Part 3: How To Read Palm Lines
Part 3: The Elemental Hand Shapes
Ever notice the shape of a person's hand? Some folks have large, broad hands and huge fingers. Others have slender hands and fingers. Some are in-between. In this final section, you will learn to read the shape of the hand overall to determine the primary element being expressed: Earth, Air, Fire or Water.
The Elements
Before we dive into the meaning of the four basic hand shapes, it is important to understand the symbolism of the four elements. Each of the elements are symbolic of an idea rather than being the actual material:
• Earth represents the physical: things that exist in our 3-D reality and that we can experience with our 5 senses.
• Air represents the mental: things like intelligence, logic, and ideas.
• Fire represents the transformational, and is associated with things such as inspiration, passion, and breakthrough.
• Water represents the emotional, and includes things such as compassion, anger, sadness, happiness, love, and empathy.
The Element Hands
People’s hand shape tells us which element(s) dominant in their expression in the world. Figuring out a person’s hand element can be complicated because there are actually 16 elemental hand types when you include the combination element hands. We will cover the four basic hand shapes here, but I teach more about this in my Intermediate Palmistry class.
Ever notice the shape of a person's hand? Some folks have large, broad hands and huge fingers. Others have slender hands and fingers. Some are in-between. In this final section, you will learn to read the shape of the hand overall to determine the primary element being expressed: Earth, Air, Fire or Water.
The Elements
Before we dive into the meaning of the four basic hand shapes, it is important to understand the symbolism of the four elements. Each of the elements are symbolic of an idea rather than being the actual material:
• Earth represents the physical: things that exist in our 3-D reality and that we can experience with our 5 senses.
• Air represents the mental: things like intelligence, logic, and ideas.
• Fire represents the transformational, and is associated with things such as inspiration, passion, and breakthrough.
• Water represents the emotional, and includes things such as compassion, anger, sadness, happiness, love, and empathy.
The Element Hands
People’s hand shape tells us which element(s) dominant in their expression in the world. Figuring out a person’s hand element can be complicated because there are actually 16 elemental hand types when you include the combination element hands. We will cover the four basic hand shapes here, but I teach more about this in my Intermediate Palmistry class.

Earth Hands
Hands with square, broad palms and short, thick fingers are Earth Hands. People with Earth as their dominant hand element tend to be very “earthy” and are often referred to in earthy ways: “You’re my rock,” “They are so grounded,” “Stable,” “Down to earth.” These are the pragmatic people that tend to value the tangible things in life. They want to see, touch, hear, taste, or hold it to believe it. When things are conceptual, they need to see how to make the idea into something physical in the real world.
Challenges for an Earth Hand? They can also be a “Stick in the mud,” or stubborn in their perspectives. They can be a “Bump on a log,” or reluctant to get out and do something new. (notice the earthy references here also?)
Thank goodness for Earth Hands! These are the people who can be healthy skeptics, helping to ground ourselves in reality. They are people with a bias for action; the builders, fixers, helpers, and doers
Hands with square, broad palms and short, thick fingers are Earth Hands. People with Earth as their dominant hand element tend to be very “earthy” and are often referred to in earthy ways: “You’re my rock,” “They are so grounded,” “Stable,” “Down to earth.” These are the pragmatic people that tend to value the tangible things in life. They want to see, touch, hear, taste, or hold it to believe it. When things are conceptual, they need to see how to make the idea into something physical in the real world.
Challenges for an Earth Hand? They can also be a “Stick in the mud,” or stubborn in their perspectives. They can be a “Bump on a log,” or reluctant to get out and do something new. (notice the earthy references here also?)
Thank goodness for Earth Hands! These are the people who can be healthy skeptics, helping to ground ourselves in reality. They are people with a bias for action; the builders, fixers, helpers, and doers

Air Hands
Air Hands have long fingers, but a shorter, squared off palm. People with Air Hands tend to be described in ways associated with the metaphysical element of Air: thoughtful, rational, intelligent, “in their head.” They tend to have a scientific or analytical mind, and can be delighted with research, study, and mental musing.
Challenges for the Air Hands? They can be absent minded, “head in the clouds,” or spacy. They can be focused so much on the conceptual realm that they lose touch with reality.
Thank goodness for Air Hands! These are the thinkers, philosophers, researchers, and folks who love to dive into creative imagination. They help us think carefully and clearly.
Air Hands have long fingers, but a shorter, squared off palm. People with Air Hands tend to be described in ways associated with the metaphysical element of Air: thoughtful, rational, intelligent, “in their head.” They tend to have a scientific or analytical mind, and can be delighted with research, study, and mental musing.
Challenges for the Air Hands? They can be absent minded, “head in the clouds,” or spacy. They can be focused so much on the conceptual realm that they lose touch with reality.
Thank goodness for Air Hands! These are the thinkers, philosophers, researchers, and folks who love to dive into creative imagination. They help us think carefully and clearly.

Fire Hands
Fire hands have shorter fingers and longer palms, often the palm and fingers can form a diamond or teardrop shape when the fingers are held together. “Hot,” “a firecracker,” dynamic: these are descriptions for our Fire Hand folks. These are the people who bring transformation wherever they go.
Challenges for the Fire Hands? They can be explosive, a “loose cannon,” or unstable. They can be interested in change just for change’s sake.
Thank goodness for Fire Hands! These are the change makers, change leaders, early adopters, and folks happy to go first. They are the dynamic, energetic people who get the rest of us going!
Fire hands have shorter fingers and longer palms, often the palm and fingers can form a diamond or teardrop shape when the fingers are held together. “Hot,” “a firecracker,” dynamic: these are descriptions for our Fire Hand folks. These are the people who bring transformation wherever they go.
Challenges for the Fire Hands? They can be explosive, a “loose cannon,” or unstable. They can be interested in change just for change’s sake.
Thank goodness for Fire Hands! These are the change makers, change leaders, early adopters, and folks happy to go first. They are the dynamic, energetic people who get the rest of us going!

Water Hands
Water hands are distinctive with long, slender fingers, and a long, narrow palm. They are the people with highly tuned emotional receptors. They can often sense other people’s state, and respond with great empathy.
Challenges for Water Hands? Our modern society doesn’t offer a lot of support or validation for emotions, in fact, most of the time it is not safe to express emotions, or tell someone about the emotions they are feeling from them. This isn’t a character defect in Water Handed people, rather, it is a problem with our modern society. Because of this, Water Hands can be weepy, and wishy-washy when wanting approval from others,
Thank Goodness for Water Hands! These are the empathic ones, the people who can empathize with your emotional state. They can often offer unbounded love, and are seen as big-hearted.
Water hands are distinctive with long, slender fingers, and a long, narrow palm. They are the people with highly tuned emotional receptors. They can often sense other people’s state, and respond with great empathy.
Challenges for Water Hands? Our modern society doesn’t offer a lot of support or validation for emotions, in fact, most of the time it is not safe to express emotions, or tell someone about the emotions they are feeling from them. This isn’t a character defect in Water Handed people, rather, it is a problem with our modern society. Because of this, Water Hands can be weepy, and wishy-washy when wanting approval from others,
Thank Goodness for Water Hands! These are the empathic ones, the people who can empathize with your emotional state. They can often offer unbounded love, and are seen as big-hearted.
Now that you have read this page, you can try out my self-paced, online palmistry course!
Intro to Palmistry, the Divine Hand Method
Intro to Palmistry, the Divine Hand Method