The Ultimate Palm Reading Guide!
By James Divine, Palm Reader, Mystic, Joy Monger
Learn all the basics with this easy Palm Reading Guide! This step-by-step guide is perfect for both beginner palm readers, and even helpful for experienced palm readers as well! The Divine Hand method of palm reading is applicable for both male and female palms, and for left and right handed people too.
Here are some Palmistry Basics before you dive in

Right Hand Palmistry vs Left Hand Palmistry
Some old fashioned palmistry methods conduct a right hand palm reading for males and a left hand palm reading for females, or they may hold the view that the left hand is the "receptive/feminine" hand and the right hand is the "projective/masculine" hand. I find this dichotomy rather outmoded.
The Divine Hand Palmistry method is influenced by social psychology and based on observations on how people use their hands in modern life. We live in a world that is "right-hand dominant." Just ask any left-handed person and they will tell you that we live in a right handed world.
Palmistry on the Right Hand
Because of our unconscious social programming as stated above, we read the right hand as the hand that signals our personality traits and metaphysical information in our public life, such as at work or school, or even when we are at the grocery store. The right hand tells us how a person is showing up with strangers, colleagues, clients, and the general public.
Palmistry on the Left Hand
The left hand signals our personality traits and metaphysical information in our private life, such as at home, with our family or romantic relationships, or with very close friends. The left hand also indicates internal information; how a person is processing things within themselves when they are alone.
Palmistry for A Left Handed Person
The palm reading for a left handed person remains the same in the Divine Hand Method - we still read the right hand as their public life, and the left as their private life, because they are still subject to the same socialization as the rest of us.
Some old fashioned palmistry methods conduct a right hand palm reading for males and a left hand palm reading for females, or they may hold the view that the left hand is the "receptive/feminine" hand and the right hand is the "projective/masculine" hand. I find this dichotomy rather outmoded.
The Divine Hand Palmistry method is influenced by social psychology and based on observations on how people use their hands in modern life. We live in a world that is "right-hand dominant." Just ask any left-handed person and they will tell you that we live in a right handed world.
Palmistry on the Right Hand
Because of our unconscious social programming as stated above, we read the right hand as the hand that signals our personality traits and metaphysical information in our public life, such as at work or school, or even when we are at the grocery store. The right hand tells us how a person is showing up with strangers, colleagues, clients, and the general public.
Palmistry on the Left Hand
The left hand signals our personality traits and metaphysical information in our private life, such as at home, with our family or romantic relationships, or with very close friends. The left hand also indicates internal information; how a person is processing things within themselves when they are alone.
Palmistry for A Left Handed Person
The palm reading for a left handed person remains the same in the Divine Hand Method - we still read the right hand as their public life, and the left as their private life, because they are still subject to the same socialization as the rest of us.
The Divine Hand Method: Premise

The Divine Hand Method of Palmistry is unique in that it is inspired by ancient Vedic palmistry, but has reframed the interpretations of what these archetypes mean for our modern, western culture. Here are some of the things to know about the method:
1. Palm Reading reveals PATTERNS, palm reading does not make predictions.
Patterns are so much more powerful than predictions. When a palm reader makes a prediction, such as, "Here is your marriage palm reading and your marriage line..." you suddenly become disempowered and helpless in your life. They have suddenly convinced you that you have no ability to influence your own destiny. But when we look at your palmistry and read the Heart Line, Karmic Relationships, and see them as PATTERNS that you are in, we suddenly have information you can act on and change.
2. Palm Lines and features change all the time!
When you start to change your life in response to your palm reading and the patterns revealed to you through the Divine Hand Palmistry Method, you will notice the lines and features on your palm will change! The patterns will change because you are influencing your karmic destiny. Karma is a partnership between you, your environment, how you are learning your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lessons, and the universe. So, of course, these changes will show up on your palm.
3. There are NO BAD SIGNS in palmistry!
There are many features and palm lines on the hand that are said to be bad luck or unfortunate, such as the "Murderer's thumb" or the "suicide line" (please watch my FREE video to learn more about these misfortune lines!) These features are NOT inherently bad, they have just been interpreted this way because of old fashioned viewpoints that have carried over in dusty books.
Consider this: YOUR HANDS... your entire body... is created by the Divine: perfect, and in the image of the Divine. Your hands are inspired by something that is most holy and perfect... in fact, IT STILL IS. How could something, created by the Divine, ever have something inherently bad within it? IT COULDN'T! But you know what IS evil? Con artists telling you that you have a bad sign in your palm reading! YOU DON'T! You have an amazing tool to use for great things. Every feature in the palm can be used in constructive or destructive ways, they are just tools. The Divine Hand method of palmistry teaches us how to use the tools.
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Get an in-depth course on palmistry, at your own pace, from the comfort of your own device! You can take Intro to Palmistry online at special introductory pricing. You WILL be able to start reading palms after completing this course! Learn More HERE.
1. Palm Reading reveals PATTERNS, palm reading does not make predictions.
Patterns are so much more powerful than predictions. When a palm reader makes a prediction, such as, "Here is your marriage palm reading and your marriage line..." you suddenly become disempowered and helpless in your life. They have suddenly convinced you that you have no ability to influence your own destiny. But when we look at your palmistry and read the Heart Line, Karmic Relationships, and see them as PATTERNS that you are in, we suddenly have information you can act on and change.
2. Palm Lines and features change all the time!
When you start to change your life in response to your palm reading and the patterns revealed to you through the Divine Hand Palmistry Method, you will notice the lines and features on your palm will change! The patterns will change because you are influencing your karmic destiny. Karma is a partnership between you, your environment, how you are learning your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lessons, and the universe. So, of course, these changes will show up on your palm.
3. There are NO BAD SIGNS in palmistry!
There are many features and palm lines on the hand that are said to be bad luck or unfortunate, such as the "Murderer's thumb" or the "suicide line" (please watch my FREE video to learn more about these misfortune lines!) These features are NOT inherently bad, they have just been interpreted this way because of old fashioned viewpoints that have carried over in dusty books.
Consider this: YOUR HANDS... your entire body... is created by the Divine: perfect, and in the image of the Divine. Your hands are inspired by something that is most holy and perfect... in fact, IT STILL IS. How could something, created by the Divine, ever have something inherently bad within it? IT COULDN'T! But you know what IS evil? Con artists telling you that you have a bad sign in your palm reading! YOU DON'T! You have an amazing tool to use for great things. Every feature in the palm can be used in constructive or destructive ways, they are just tools. The Divine Hand method of palmistry teaches us how to use the tools.
Learn More...
Get an in-depth course on palmistry, at your own pace, from the comfort of your own device! You can take Intro to Palmistry online at special introductory pricing. You WILL be able to start reading palms after completing this course! Learn More HERE.
Your palm lines and hand features reveal your true, divine self, and can map your path to success!
Now that you have this intro, you can move to part 1,
How to read hand gesture! |